Recently, I stumbled upon Ghostty a nice looking open source terminal emulator. It feels very fast, comparable to native terminals. I have been using it for the past few weeks in my macOS setup and found it to come quite close to the macOS experience.

What I enjoy most about Ghostty is its easy configuration. You can open and edit the config file with the keyboard shortcut cmd + , and reload it with shift + cmd + ,. These are the settings I am using right now:


font-size = 18
theme = GitHub Dark
background = #28394a
foreground = #fafafb
palette = 0=#1d1f21
palette = 1=#c5474e
palette = 2=#68cd66
palette = 3=#d4ac3a
palette = 4=#4386f6
palette = 5=#d856a6
palette = 6=#6ae1e4
palette = 7=#feffff
palette = 8=#686767
palette = 9=#c6474e
palette = 10=#9ce5a3
palette = 11=#d3ac3a
palette = 12=#4386f6
palette = 13=#d856a6
palette = 14=#6ae1e4
palette = 15=#feffff

window-padding-x = 15
window-padding-y = 10

keybind = option+super+left=previous_tab
keybind = option+super+right=next_tab

working-directory = home
window-inherit-working-directory = true

Btw, there is also this beautifully made open source Ghostty Config Generator.